Friday, March 10, 2017

Ceramic Lamp -- from childhood playhosue

Taking the memories of the playhouse my Dad had built for us in our childhood. On the picture below, one sketch looks like it was his, the other  two sketches from my sisters.  We had great fun with the house, though perhaps more from the outside than the inside..running around the yard, with the playhouse as  as home base for the outside. It was "full size," with a tall and "narrower" than a house door, but plenty appropriate for the playhouse. Interior had redwood  ceiling "molding" with script etched on them -- phrases to inspire.  Turret had paisleys cut outs with colored glass, and roof had a metal bird at the top.  Tiered decks on two sides, coming up from a few wide landing type steps. Yes, quite a fine playhouse.  My ceramic one is simple, the shape to connote soaring/reaching more than the shape of the house actually was -- but seemed more appropriate for the lamp.  Not settled on the shade..and will likely put a bead or perhaps re-do the step part.  But, here  it is for now. 

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