Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Unusual Hat.....perchance.. a crown?

Fun at the Academy of Sciences.... some views of the day there. 

Monday, June 19, 2017

Golden Gate Bridge..postcard shot!

Hot nights this weekend, seeking cool...headed toward water.  Bridge looking pretty.  (Ok, it is a little blurry and a blotchy sky in photo for postcard...but....)

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Animal Kingdom Crown...glazed, fired...finished!

Ceramic Animal Kingdom Crown. To represent animals....mammals, birds, fish, insects, and invertebrates


Crown Molding...Ceramic Crown...not quite there

Another in the series of clay crowns. Little holes are for the "diamonds" that are to come. Don't like how glazed, so going to try to fix it some...was to be a metallic gold...tried a new glaze from Spain, but didn't do what I wanted.  Purple blotchy too.  Maybe the apprentice crown maker did this glaze....not ready for prime time....yet.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Cotton Plaid

Simple shape, nice cotton. Subtle colors, with a pop.

Monday, June 5, 2017


A very nice reminder of the! Fluffy pinks from PK's garden.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Animal Kingdom glaze process

I was going to make it two colors, like animal silhouettes, but then thought, hmm, try for real. 
Some touch ups here and there, and then to fire.