Monday, July 24, 2017

Kitchen Ceramic Backsplash -- installed

Ok..still some trim work, switch plate changing, etc...but getting there. Mom's kitchen...the person
who would praise even if it didn't turn out! I made the tiles in center -- local coast scene (Drakes Estero)...irises,poppies, water inlets, beach and the horizon.  Heath tiles for the rest.

Came together quickly....laid out tiles on flat pattern of walls, moved boards of tiles next to me while installing to help keep it on track. Mastic, spacers. Dry, then grout. Caulking where tile meets first time, but ok.  Next will seal, and do some grout trim at top of a couple places (the caulking on top didn't work..fine at base where it had counter as "barrier/stopping place", not fine on top!). 


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