Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Blooming on coast

Up north just a bit -- blooms all over.  Nice that the different micro-climates have been giving us splendors  at different times -- the green hills first, then some scattered flowers on them..hills just went to brown, but coast brightened with flowers...and yes, it was pretty enough already!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Happy Find -- Sewer Cover

They did this on purpose I would think!  How to make sewer cover sweet..

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Vase -- angles

A vase with angles..took a slab, cut out triangles and then smoothed the cut part of the slab together...
two slabs like this together, then added the neck. Next time will make the "foot" bigger for more stability. Ceramics.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Platter with Pattern..Ceramics...first steps

Trying something, will see how it works. Using hand cut paper ( cut with tiny scissors) designs, rolled into slab (with a few hours of dry time), then brushed underglaze on them. I likely didn't need to wait on the slab to roll in the pattern, but I was doing something else, and didn't want to have paper sit there too long without me applying glaze. 

 Turned up the ends for a slight "handle" for platter. Didn't test these glazes on this clay....so, more than just how the pattern will come out in terms of "mystery" to reveal in kiln.  Well, not a total mystery, as did apply paper cut out to crown, and that worked out fine -- I think this time I was light on the glaze...think I was balancing darkness of clay. 

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Tile project glazed == cover for water pipes

Made a set of tiles to be removable cover the water pipe/meter thing that sticks out of side of house.  Plan to put stones or some non-ceramic element in the space above the quail.  Now need to make the box to have base to glue/grout.  Wondering  if grouting will work as easy as I first thought...there is going to be a front, side and top grouting thing going on....and with corners/edges, might be a bit tricky.  I might leave a gap, and place wood trim or something...need to think and test a bit.

Think the boarder thing on the edge rather than first imagined going toward the center. The top row here is really the top of the box...it won't show on "face."

Playing with new clay for me

Getting a feel for a new clay I want to work with for a bit. The red makes work surfaces a bit messy, but I like the color tone -- more alive to me than the grey and off white that turns white.