Friday, April 17, 2020

4 cartwheels, place of a "life experience," and classes

Took four cartwheels on walk. Over grass, and not sure how straight they were, but think ok. Saw the mini arbor with roses. Walked by the place that jogged my memory of a "lesson" I learned on that alley when I was about 14 years old.  I had put both my feet on the handlebars of my ten speed. Then, I hit the speed bump.  I stayed on that bike.  My lesson was likely more "luck" then don't put both your feet up on your handlebars, but the smile and fear combo that comes so fast -- right in that alley. 

Made four "classes" on google classroom for my nieces...relatable science, world histroy, social science, etc. I may end up making a volcano tomorrow too. 

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