Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Disperse and Delight



As I walked by the lake, the red balloon left the island, and glided across the water. The ducks and the geese squawked and scattered. Then lime balloon entered, the birds remarking once again,  and the red balloon hit the shore on my side...seeming to contemplate the next move.  I called to the kid chasing them on the island to see if they were his, but they were not, so no intervention warrented.  Then the red balloon lifted to the shore and danced across the grass. A third balloon, jade in color, followed, with each ballon loosely tracing the same pattern.  The wind wasn't making them "fly," more like glide and dance...they never really were "airbone."  

The red balloon bounced across the road first, no cars present. It went right on the hill across the road. The lime balloon went higher, and straight up the hill..lodging in a tree. The jade balloon settled in another tree, though lower on the hill, more in the open. 

Several analogies can be made, and the ones I took to heart left me with a smile and a thought of futures. Yes, balloons aren't good for nature, but their journey here was very nice to witness. 

Below from the walk the day prior. 

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