Saturday, May 29, 2021

Mishima -- first attempt -- Ceramics


One of the first steps-- beyond making the tray -- of me trying Mishima process. Etched the lines in the clay. Next will be engobe to sink in, etc, etc. I did it kind of fast, and note that the lines and some trees/bushes are a bit wonky, but is experiment --  wanted to get myself through the whole process  before taking a lot of time on etching precise lines that may get messed up anyhow when I try the color steps. 

 Rodin Museum in Paris -- fond memories of skipping around there, pretending to be the sculptures (not very Parisian of me, but few were around....didn't make spectacle!.)  ..visiting when my sister was living there for a few years.  I see that missed an interior wall in the building....need to fix that!

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Monday, May 24, 2021

Chain Link to Kid

She is liking chains/little "metal" stuff, so sewed some on a top. Hand wash is likely, perhaps a new skill for her to acquire?!  Uga.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Clay Figures



Playing with some sketches on self expression. The one above will have a plant in the "head" so the "hair" and such can take an evolving style. Now at glaze stage. The one below may have enjoyed a bit too much ice cream since I sketched her, but, she still wears here affinity proudly. 

Why did I sketch that bird?! At least it is getting some use as drop cloth. 


Anise Swallowtail

The towhees were picking off all the caterpillars from the anise, so my brother's family took to helping some survive to butterfly stage. Here is the first one to emerge from cocoon. 


Sunday, May 9, 2021

Red Fire Engine & A Whole Lot More


This is the fire truck that my friend and I would take turns on riding down the hill in front of our houses.  We grew up with one house in between us, and both gained second families as we did so.  She remembers we put a pillow on it as we rode, which does make sense, because even then the ratio of fire truck bed to the sitting place on our bodies was not 1:1!  Was visiting with her and her family at her parents yesterday (same house), and her Dad had of course saved the truck, with a new paint job. Joy filled as was able to hug those so dear to me...this past 15 months had made such hugging absent. 

(Oh gosh, yes, our fire truck downhills were likely dangerous...less cars around, but it was a hill, with our  balance the steering and our legs the brakes. On the wagon, we both could fit. Somewhere up the trunk of another neighbor's tree is the mark of one our  crashes in that wagon. The beauty of a childhood that allowed freedom and adventure.  Her Dad would whistle (loud :)) and we could hear from all around the neighborhood --  that whistle signaled it was was time to come home). 

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Clay standing bird -- light holder

Clay... if feet level and sturdy as goes through the process, shall hopefully stand. . Test..pseudo replica of original object in metal. 


Sunday, May 2, 2021

"Giant" Starfish and Mussels

I didn't touch any of them, just finger there for size reference. Huge!
Starfish (sea stars) and mussels. The Starfish likely getting so big because a lot of mussels to eat. Sea anemones on site as well.