Saturday, May 29, 2021

Mishima -- first attempt -- Ceramics


One of the first steps-- beyond making the tray -- of me trying Mishima process. Etched the lines in the clay. Next will be engobe to sink in, etc, etc. I did it kind of fast, and note that the lines and some trees/bushes are a bit wonky, but is experiment --  wanted to get myself through the whole process  before taking a lot of time on etching precise lines that may get messed up anyhow when I try the color steps. 

 Rodin Museum in Paris -- fond memories of skipping around there, pretending to be the sculptures (not very Parisian of me, but few were around....didn't make spectacle!.)  ..visiting when my sister was living there for a few years.  I see that missed an interior wall in the building....need to fix that!

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