Sunday, June 20, 2021

Childhood exploring place - Art & Gardens

We used to explore and play all over the grounds of this place when we were kids. Dad associated with it at the time. Art and gardens.  This picture above is in a tiny (approx 7'x10' footprint) structure -- we used to call it the Candy Land house.  Took a picture through window on one side(it was it was when were kids!) -- those are glass bowls set into the far wall..such a fun take on stained glass windows. Went there today for Father's day to revisit with gratitude. 

Once a year they would hold a fair there...rides among the redwoods...including a Ferris Wheel and a Merry-go-Round.  I remember the Merry-go-Round operator fell asleep one time, and I got an extra long ride -- ponies were my favorite...a special treat. 


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