Thursday, December 30, 2021

Vintage-y ..and a reminder of some lovely and enlightening adventures


Going through some of my clothing storage containers...found a treasure -- Wild and Lethal Trash dress..Walter Van Beirendonck label at the time...made in Italy...likely from a shopping trip in Europe for work. Brought back some fun memories of those days ...looking for ideas and inspirations, and enjoying the culture and surroundings...with a mission, but with pleasure. Threw on the Docs I likely wore with it(maybe altered docs and pumps) ..Docs from first trip overseas ..with end result of that trip a sweater convention in Ireland...with government of Ireland sponsoring the trip! (Long purple sweater coat from then too...but, that is in use, not in storage!). That first trip (not the blue dress trip..and no, I don't remember trips by what I bought...just remember the eras of when I was where and why). stopped over in London because Ray, division head at the time, had sister's family living there..easy way to start the seemingly wide open world exploration at that time.  To more of it! 

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