Sunday, January 23, 2022

Dress from Scarves - Number Two


Scarves put to new use. I felt a bit bad sewing on the silk Liberty of London ones but they were just sitting in a drawer, so have new life. 

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Dress made of Scarves


A little trickier than what I thought when I started. To work the scarf sizes together -- granted the simple shape helped, but more engineering than I had thought. In hindsight, I would have chosen a different one for the top -- makes too strong a "bigness" up there..pattern and drape.   The American Airlines scarf still needs some ironing(lower back) ...must have been folded for a long time. :)

Two hikes, views


Two hikes on Saturday -- the morning one caught the mountain farther away, and the afternoon walk found my first poppy of the season catching the view closer. So lucky with the green hills ..since October have had the joy of them. 

Monday, January 3, 2022

2022 - outside beginnings

Came upon an arrangement someone had done on top of hill.  (Later on this walk, came upon a young mountain lion (no..not a bobcat, coyote or a fox) ...thank goodness young, though still proceeded with caution, as a parent could have been nearby.)  Next day, the hills and sky composing their own arrangement.  Below -- a very photographed church!