Tuesday, April 26, 2022

4 bowls and two forms with lid

 Part of assignments for class.  My favorites out of the kiln so far. 

Second form came out of soda fire kiln...

Monday, April 18, 2022

Vase .. but trying for Jeannie bottle


First attempt, so, okish.  Need to get it taller, and shaped differently, but was glad I got it this tall without muffing it up. Next time need to bring up the wall more, as seems a bit heavy.  Hope some trimming  will help...but, another avenue to mess up. Jeepers, such confidence. :) No jinx. :)

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Pillow with vintage doilies


I would not have thought the 13 year old would want anything like this!  We were walking around a street fair, and saw some pillows along this line. When we got home, she was talking about the pillows. I told her Grandma had doilies stored away....likely from her Mom's era. So..secured some of those, .pulled out some rawish cream fabric, and the kid arranged the doilies how she liked...I sewed them on, and voila, a pillow. Here it is now placed in her room..(along with lots of other stuff!) 

Saturday, April 9, 2022

First try: Pots with Lids


Attempt at vessel with lid. Making the gallery -- holding that tool in right, resting on the left...took some experimenting...this one started taller than what it is now!  Will see how the lids fit once clay dries.


Below is another attempt at shaping lip of bowl differently off the wheel. 

Friday, April 8, 2022

Lupines+ Daughter like Father


Took her on lupine walk, and told her of her Dad's venture on that log a few weeks ago. She had to commemorate with reenactment. Lupines were more robust than a couple week ago...it was much hotter too, and lots of bumble bees around.