Sunday, July 16, 2023

Light, water, and all the rest

Evening stroll with pinkish clouds adding to view. 

Friday, July 14, 2023

Ceramic Sculpture - Terra Sigillata

Thrown pieces, assembled. Terra Sigillata finish. Concept on learning and adapting less than sought or "perfect." 


Thursday, July 6, 2023

Purple skirt with fringe -- upon the Bride-To-Be's request

I shared a picture from a magazine with her at a party about six months ago, and she said I "had to" wear it to her wedding. So, I am!  My version is much more tame in the fringe department (the original is layers of leather fringe, mine is not), but not totally tame as skirts go. The bride gets what she wants least for one day.  Bringing an outfit to change, as it is liable to be warm, and this is a lot of skirt! 

Yes..,,looks a bit long there on the one side...perhaps a fix, or perhaps not. 


Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Silk Scarf Dress


Dress made from silk scarves.