Friday, June 7, 2024

Creepy Crawlers - Figure, Wolf, and Hand


I gave my sister a Creepy Crawlers set many years ago. We were adults.  She had observed that we didn't have a set as kids, likely as it was considered a toy for boys. Our parents weren't really limiting that way, encouraging their girls and boy to be who they wanted to be (as long a good person), but somehow a Creepy Crawlers oven didn't make it into our home. I did get to play with one at Susan's house -- her brother Ken had the set. So, I did not feel so deprived! 

Anyhow, upcoming birthday for another adult sibling, and I decided to was time to revive it for all. The goo stuff was separated .. liquid and "plastic stuff," but I warmed it for a while with my hands, and 15 seconds in microwave, and it mixed up well enough to create these figures. I have about 8 more bottles of color to reconstitute.  Another good thing -- the Creepy Crawlers oven uses a light bulb for heat -- the "old fashioned" kind....not LED.  Luckily, had a few on hand, likely from the first time the set was used -- small opening, candelabra style. Time is even more limited, as once those bulbs gone, it's over. Though -- if used once every 25 years, it might just carry us through. :)   

Many bug legs to use too....exciting. 

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