Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Paper Bowl

Tore up some paperwork headed for the recycling bin, put it in the blender, added lots of water...and pulsed it to pulp. Rung out a lot of the water, molded onto bowl form. Dried for a couple days..voila. Not exactly sturdy enough to hold much besides feathers (slight exageration, but not much)....will see if adding some strenghtening agents or strapping the outside with some adornment will help. Like the color...a bluish light grey....the paper was white, black writing, blue logo.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


I remember being so happy with the bunny I had received that Easter. We took a ride to visit a friends of the family, and upon getting out of the Vista Cruiser, my bunny fell into a muddy ditch. Rather tramatic...brand new bunny, plop, muddy mess. Dad wrapped him up in newspapers, the hope being once washed and regroomed, bunny would be restored. Bunny didn't re-fluff to outward perfection....all kind of matted, as I recall.

Just today, my brother went up into the attic of Mom's...pulled down a box. Bunny!!!! And, if bunny didn't have enough stories to tell, today is the day before Easter...quite a many Easters from his mud treatment, but in honor of his valor (or whatever), here he is currently and in his original state. (Gund, J. Swedlin Inc, 360 Sudyam Street, Brooklyn 37, NY)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Pinks on Cream

Very simple shape in one of my favorite fabrics...cream cotton heavy weight...blank space for layer or simplicity.


In quite a pretty state.

Getting ready for Casting

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Long Pointy

Chicken wire inner form, covered with gauze impregnated plaster strips. Have a few more processes to go, but he wanted to go for a walk.

He went for such a long walk, that he changed....I guess that is what can happening when we do a walk about...pick up this and and that, internally and externally.