Saturday, April 23, 2011


I remember being so happy with the bunny I had received that Easter. We took a ride to visit a friends of the family, and upon getting out of the Vista Cruiser, my bunny fell into a muddy ditch. Rather tramatic...brand new bunny, plop, muddy mess. Dad wrapped him up in newspapers, the hope being once washed and regroomed, bunny would be restored. Bunny didn't re-fluff to outward perfection....all kind of matted, as I recall.

Just today, my brother went up into the attic of Mom's...pulled down a box. Bunny!!!! And, if bunny didn't have enough stories to tell, today is the day before Easter...quite a many Easters from his mud treatment, but in honor of his valor (or whatever), here he is currently and in his original state. (Gund, J. Swedlin Inc, 360 Sudyam Street, Brooklyn 37, NY)

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