Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Bronze in Process

Ok, putting this on here before it is done is kind of cheating, but it took so long to get it poured, that I feel somewhat ok with progress report.

The picture above involves two different sculptures, plus the sprues that will be removed as I go forward.
Chiselled the casting shell off this today. The pictures below show some of the steps in the pour.


Silk Dyed and Tailored

Fun to create freedom with fabric. Hard to find hand I like with color, so I took white sueded charmuese from Dharma, dyed it (simmering water, specific dye), and then tailored some simple garments. Nice and flowly, easy enough to sew. I saw that it could take the hot water and the dryer, so no fear that way in future garment care.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Be sure to read the last line before you scroll down....if it is on your iPhone, you are liable to have a hard time reading it!  Happy Valentine's Day!