Friday, April 20, 2012


This was the activity I was supposed to do while the little one was putting her circles on the didn't quite turn out that way.  This concept is nothing new, but playing with fabric "pieces" to make composition idea...yes, would get a lot more complicated to shade and give depth...but planting seed in my mind. Fabric and stitching on fabric.

Super Long Pillow

Using odds and end of fabric, made five foot long pillow.  Had Alexis put the circles where she wanted...she apparently was a linear thinker this morning, but I can't say that is always the case!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Springtime Scissors

Nice to share this childhood fun with my niece. Fileree  -- one of those plants that has multiple least from the perspective of the scissor maker. 

Funny Bunnies Photograph

Moving a canvas around, and the sun and window drawing put up for the kids had fun with each other.  Yes, yes, the technique is used by some for painting real pics, and those "light things" do the reflection thing too...but this was a fun surprise..

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Twisted Wire Card

Had fun making a simple shape out of copper wire, stitched to card. 

Bronze Sculpture with Stand

The "with stand" on the title of this post is important!  My first bronze sculpture ran the risk of lying on its side for figuring out a base that would look fine, support the weight, and then figure out how attach sculpture to it was a bit daunting.

A dear friend, an artist, took me step by step through the process, from screw hole making (technical term escapes me), hole drilling, hole placement (nifty "trick'), and patina.  I now have a sturdy
base AND as sculpture that means something to me. All the better that it has a base made from him

Cut Out Saying Cards

Room for improvement, but borrowing idea to translate for card.  Would work better with bright pop of color underneath, and perhaps a free hand technique (as i saw in original) for the script. The saying on the first card came from conversation with "help desk" for new laptop.  I made a rather funny, though unintentional, choice of words in reading my serial number to the help desk person.  After fits of laughter, he related that he has heard plenty goofy references...."3 as in 3," and the one I really cracked up about "G as in Jesus."