Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tile Bench, in work

Found an excellent deal on Heath tiles, so playing with garden bench. Box contained all random tiles, one box had a lot broken,  the other nearly all pristine shape.  I think it is a bit easier to work with all broken pieces, rather than regular shapes, but "lines" do create a feeling that is not usually my zone, so perhaps it is good. This is at play stage right now, cheating to get in as May post, but it sits here as a pseudo check mark. Will need to re-align for spacing (enough grout  space to adhere), but there will still be "holes" that can be filled with "interest," as usually happens if one keeps an open mind. Either that or video games...or perhaps near mindless chatter that is happening right now.

David is sending me some cool looking crushed glass, but we already discussed that as being dicey on a bench...oh, but just a little bit?! Maybe with an epoxy overlay? Hmmmmm.

Ok, looking at this, I think I really need to pull out the broken pieces box, and see what I come up with for an overall broken look. The above is too boring I think...Heath palette is exquisite, but this isn't doing it justice.

Look...near mindless (can't bring myself to say purely mindless) chatter is becoming an ok post because of learning....when you make something you aren't happy with but "fits the bill" do you "rest" or "re-do?"  I am glad I am still motivated to "re-do"...and since this blog  is for me to keep track of what I am doing in some regard, I can reflect that 30 May 2012 at 9:28 pm, I said "re-do."

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