Friday, May 4, 2012

Solvy Lace Picture

UPDATE: Finished....see post of 5.20.2012.

Using a picture my friend took of Doyle Drive "tear down" in San Francisco, stitching the picture onto Solvy.  The yellow elements in foreground are the bulldozers/wrecking stuff. 

If this all works as I hope, the picture will be done in stitches, with all the Solvy, etc dissolved. So far, enlarged the picture, outlined key elements on Solvy, and have stitched the row of trees in the far ground.

Have had fun with solvy in making camisole, as well stitch of image technique on silk (post somewhere on this blog!), so hopefully the combined processes will give me a new tool to work with on my ideas ahead.

stitched map of musee rodin (on silk treated with rabbit skin glue)

Solvy lace...pre and post soak (water soluble)

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