Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Bear Costume Drawing in Copper

Totally not my drawing...illustration grabbed off google search for a bear...illustrator is Sophie Blackall.   I am practicing, this is not for
commercial purposes....would be nice to be able to draw like she does when I want to....my people tend to be glorified stick figures.

Anyhow...this is still raw, not sanded, beveled, or polished...but, I like what it can lead to ---so lovely to be able to cut metal by hand. Using a bench pin, jewelers saw, and this illustration -- cut out the image in about 15 minutes. The finishing part will take longer -- will texture the bear part, heads, etc....but, to cut metal by hand relatively easily....yippee.  Will move to silver once I practice more.  Update: I textured it...including adding their faces.

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