Sunday, December 23, 2012

2012 Gingergirls, blotto gingerbread men

The little one began with careful placement -- two splinters in the gingergirls foot, then "an egg that she hatched that she put above her eye."  Sometimes it is best just to listen without asking too many questions.  Then I believe the decorating became "How much candy can I put on this?" in hopes that perhaps she could have a "treasure chest" (pun not intended, but...) to enjoy for later.  The 6 year old took the suggestion of not  covering with frosting, instead a dip and place.  Sprinkle need dictated some frosting areas develop.

Let's see if we can keep this decorating thing up for another 14 or so years. Gallery showing of how their decorating styles change over the years. This is year 3.

Below are some co-joined gingerbread men....fat and happy. 

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