Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Croque en bouche -- Cream Puff Tree - with kids

Think we were working on this for 20 minutes or so....have to work fast with the hot sugar and chocolate.  This year, the kids helped...and I know it looks better to me because of the love behind those chocolate smudge chocolate "balls" and the "flowers" cut out by the 3 year old, and the wacky candle placement.  Let's not forget the licked gingerbread boys (extra chocolate...who could resist? (yes, they have the "wash hands" part down, but the licking part...not so much)) that gave themselves...hopefully before they got onto the tree..to this project.

Once again...Costco cream puffs.  Melted sugar (1/4 cup  water, 1 cup sugar...lots left unused). Melted chocolate. Decorations: (think these chocolate "balls" came from some Scandinavian country), Gingerboys, flowers (raining, so we used paper), and candles.

The sugar is way too hot for the kids to be near, so I dealt with that, and had the 6 year old place some (holding at top), but mainly had her use the spoon to put chocolate on the top of most.  The "balls" were "glued" with the hot sugar mix, with extra sticking support given by the chocolate which was tepid at this point, ok for little fingers. Since it was for a birthday, the candles. Oh..and the 6 year old took the picture....

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