Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Happy Jeans Dance

First the statement, then the "show me,"  then the pants,  then the dance, and before too long, the video.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Firework Animals, Profile

Some of the fireworks pictures this year looked like prancing animals to me.  Also captured a silouette, jutting brow included.  Below an ostrich  pair dancing.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Beach House "Thank you"

Used thin sheet of birch to layer on Beach House.  The birch was more sturdy than the balsa wood I used for the shingles, so used xacto knife on birch to cut out windows and doors, still rough cuts for sure, but from a distance with poor eyesight....  Yes, looks like a 9 year old (or....) did it, but was still fun.  Wrote my impressions of the house on the back. 

Magic Tree -- 1981 Package, Pushmi-Pullyu (Push-me-pull-you)

Pulled this Magic Tree package out of hall closet at Mom's -- package dated 1981, $1.50 price sticker.  Figured it would be worth a try for "Auntie Camp" with my nieces. I think I am more impressed, but it did garner some smiles....there was some electronic competition (Leapster), but wonder did occur to some degree. Packet contained less than a teaspoon of salt-like grains and this tree shape in paper to slot together. Put salt type stuff in glass, 1 teaspoon of water, then the tree on less than two hours we had this. 

The Pushmi-Pullyu ("push-me - pull-you)  (Dr Dolittle)  stuffed animal I showed her earlier perhaps was my most thought provoking element of "Auntie Camp" -- went to find a video of "Push-Me-Pull-Me" on YouTube, and the creature does look quite real.  I remember receiving Pushmi-Pullyu quite some time ago...I think he came in a yellow box, clear on top. Nice that Mom hangs onto some things....especially at her house!