Sunday, May 17, 2015

Ceramic Sign

Enlarged the logo, put paper enlargement onto a slab of clay, then used side of pencil to make indent of the lettering and lines. Use the side of a sharp pencil rather than the point  -- don't "drill" the mark (don't tear the clay) an indent.   Thought I would cut out a "gully" on the larger "PRAGMA," but then decided not to, hence the cut marks that next time I wouldn't for the gully, needed
more thin tool...the xacto I was using wasn't good enough..finer point, or different technique. 

Since I was using a grey glaze over the black letters, I didn't have to be totally exact as some bleed was camouflaged -- but still takes a steady hand to put the black glaze in each letter...little troughs, with emphasis on little. Granted the application of the grey cold be more smooth, less brushy/uneven, but shall apply that lesson to future. 

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