Thursday, October 1, 2015

More Tile Table ..Rostam...Cutting Background same time as Figures

Ok, was discussing this project with someone who said it should work to cut the background out figures at same time.  I was concerned that my shrinkage would be different and that I wouldn't be able to spread to dry (so I was going to kind of mosaic with small tiles the background). In a way, it is easier to cut the figures and background out at same time because some of the background shapes are tricky.  But, I still wonder if it will narrow in places and if the shrinkage doesn't happen at same rate everywhere, I am liable to have a horse hoof not fit into the groove. 

The above is one tile piece (with the dog type thing and horse tail in corner another). I removed the figures to clean them up....the cutting process made some less then smooth edges. And yes, I do expect something will break in the drying process or transport to kiln. 

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