Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Cell Phone Tea Pot

Assignment was to make a teapot...with the seed planted for a walk on the more unusual side.
I thought of the ritual of tea....including growing up with my relatives from my Dad's was tea and talking -- the visit.

Thought of the way much of visiting nowadays is done "virtual" -- on cell phone, facetime, etc.  So, my tea pot is a cell phone.  Wanted the scale to stay somewhat the same, so it won't hold much hot water...still thin.  Not sure the tunnel in the tube will stay "passable" by water...needed to use extruder, but didn't get to it, so just poked through tube with narrow stick. The cord may help act as handle, but figure it would require touching the "pot" (phone) to lift to pour.

I don't really need anything like this hanging around, so, I plan to smash it before firing....after I show it as "assignment done!"

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