Saturday, December 30, 2017

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Crown 9 -- getting even more close


All made from clay, except for their clothes and the stick holding sign. The figure on the top of capital building should be in the kiln for bisque stage.  Need to fasten the denim dress side, and work on sign holding adhesive appearance.  Testing now to see how it sticks..don't want to make it permanent..the sign holding aspect.

The piece was "quieter" without the signs and the clothes of course, but wanted the current day "reality" to step in and make some noise...discord of discourse.  Based on Constitution/law, rather than "personality."

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Gingers 2017

The older one took the macabre path on this one -- ginger eating the snowmen. Ugg. 
The little one wasn't feeling well...her ginger to come.   (second Ginger post Christmas...just in time for her birthday). 

She wanted ugly sweater for holiday, but local stores sold out...made her one. 

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Wrapping day

For distribution to families ..very well initiated and organized by first responders. 
A heart full of delight matching up kid request to the toys donated. 

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Stuffed Bear Lamp -- refurbished

A bit uneven in the spray paint application, but voila...a refurbished bear lamp revealed!
Found it "vintage" store, and thought it a good joke gift for my who wants to accumulate no such nonsense as this, but perhaps hark back to that Christmas movie with the leg lamp gift scene. 

This lamp had a music element to it, but I am not likely to figure out how to fix that up to working order. 

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Crown 9 -- getting closer

Ok, not there yet, but closer.  Now for their signs and a flag or two.  Going to get a bit more animated!  Ceramics.

Edible Wreath

The top one .. 200 degrees F for about 1.5 hours, the lower one, 275 for an hour or so. 
Low and slow to get it white. The top one leaves got switched out to holly, to look a bit more seasonal. Pavlova, whipped cream, fruit.  Idea taken from British Baking Show.  New Zealander at party said I got it right in terms of constancy..and apparently the Pavlova originated in honor of visiting ballerina.  

Monday, December 4, 2017

Guest Artist...Squirrel Play Area...for observation

A week or so ago, niece was observing squirrels with their acorn hiding. For birthday present, she made this squirrel play area ..complete with sunflower seeds (picked out of the birdseed bag) and dirt, as well as little strings and such to amuse.

In use...the string giving him a flea scratch more than too much of an annoyance.  

Buche de Noel...for birthday cake

Used whipped cream shaded with it didn't get too dark...wasn't intent, but didn't want to add food coloring, and wanted the lightness of the cream vs frosting. Made the mushrooms (too big, but)...meringue.