Saturday, October 30, 2021

Maybe wants to be clay-ized


Saw so many this morning on my walk...a message to render in clay? 

Monday, October 25, 2021

Large Tray- Medallion - - Mishima - initial phase

Took a photograph of a section of a rug that was recently given to me -- to make tray as a "thank you." 
Traced photograph on sheer-ish paper, then used needle tool to transfer pattern to clay. Next will be opening up crevices a bit more, then put englobe (glaze) into those crevices. 

Wasn't trying to make it exact "and "symmetrical," as is hand done rug, and wanted the tray to feel a bit that way -- has a pattern, but by hand (and wool pile!). 


       Used pencil to open up grooves more. Clay was not perfect consistency (s/b leather hard), but my schedule had me doing it a earlier than ideal -- more clay flecks to clean up.

 Have found applicator helps direct englobe better to groves. Still clean up to do after it dries, but better. 


Thursday, October 21, 2021

Creatures that Hang


Holes in the back...hanging less clutter than flat surface? :)  Made with an opening at top for ability to insert various items. Oops...clutter issue again? Maybe considered feather organization. 

Below is another variation in work of "creatures that hang." 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Funny Halloween Stuff


Had picked up a bunch of little skeletons and asked my brother to distribute in "creepy" fashion to my niece. She let me know about the one above!  We won't think too much about heated plastic in food, but will enjoy for the visuals. 

On my walk yesterday, a yard had quite a display.  Horse skeleton unique. Fed an apple by a skeleton in front. 

Friday, October 15, 2021

Tadpole - Ceramics


Again, no master work here..just playing with glazes on a simple shape. Bullfrog tadpole is its closest relative. 

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Scary, but could be nice guy -- Ceramic Figure 3D ish

Had some dry-ish clay, decided to make a pillow here because I wouldn't have to wait too long to try to put it together -- it was already at the "stay bent" stage in terms of clay moisture (lack thereof). 

Face pieces were made, and someone said "no, don't make him a bad guy." But, just because you look a certain way, doesn't mean you act a certain way. I put the heart there, but my plan is to have it perhaps be a tattoo, that doesn't necessarily correlate with him having such a big heart. No force, just be. 

I think his ears may fall off -- was actually a bit dry to add them....we will see. At least he won't have to hear what anyone is saying about him.  :) 


Friday, October 8, 2021

Glazed -- Clay Car


Shinier than I wanted, but it is what it is now. Will pretend that it is raining.  

Still need to fix the axles to right length, and affix the wheel spikes..but out of the kiln. Soon ready to spin around fast!  

Someone helped me find the origins -- started with a sponge-- shaped with tape into car body. 

Friday, October 1, 2021

Mishima Platter -- Brief Process Recap

Mishima Platter. Completed! Lines not as fine as my first attempt (hot weather, timing..clay a bit too dry), but final product better overall.  Third time the charm?

a. Etch design in leather hard clay. 

b. Clean up the clay crumbs

c. Apply engobe (glaze) into the etched lines. Let it seep in, and then reapply to make sure you are getting the crevices filled. After my first attempt at Mishima,  I used a decorator tip (on bottle of glaze) to focus the glaze more directly into the etched lines. I found the decorator tip left less glaze spill-over mess to clean up.

d. When the engobe is dry, carefully clean up the excess  on the surfaces (above the etched lines).  I used a scraper and very lightly damp sponge. Watch that the sponge -- you don't want to allow glaze dust to stick to the flat clay surfaces -- it is hard to see, but it is there! Careful.  (You can sand it out post first fire, but easier to have it clean as comes from kiln. 

e. Fire.

f. Glaze as you want for second fire -- the design you made stays there, and the plane is relatively smooth on surface as emerges from second fire.