Saturday, October 9, 2021

Scary, but could be nice guy -- Ceramic Figure 3D ish

Had some dry-ish clay, decided to make a pillow here because I wouldn't have to wait too long to try to put it together -- it was already at the "stay bent" stage in terms of clay moisture (lack thereof). 

Face pieces were made, and someone said "no, don't make him a bad guy." But, just because you look a certain way, doesn't mean you act a certain way. I put the heart there, but my plan is to have it perhaps be a tattoo, that doesn't necessarily correlate with him having such a big heart. No force, just be. 

I think his ears may fall off -- was actually a bit dry to add them....we will see. At least he won't have to hear what anyone is saying about him.  :) 


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