Monday, October 25, 2021

Large Tray- Medallion - - Mishima - initial phase

Took a photograph of a section of a rug that was recently given to me -- to make tray as a "thank you." 
Traced photograph on sheer-ish paper, then used needle tool to transfer pattern to clay. Next will be opening up crevices a bit more, then put englobe (glaze) into those crevices. 

Wasn't trying to make it exact "and "symmetrical," as is hand done rug, and wanted the tray to feel a bit that way -- has a pattern, but by hand (and wool pile!). 


       Used pencil to open up grooves more. Clay was not perfect consistency (s/b leather hard), but my schedule had me doing it a earlier than ideal -- more clay flecks to clean up.

 Have found applicator helps direct englobe better to groves. Still clean up to do after it dries, but better. 


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