Monday, November 14, 2011

Snow Writing

Ok, time to admit that I am trying for at least 57 posts to meet LY and since I like 8s, I will be at least at 58. My Sept was rather un-post-tive (but busy!), and I likely lagged some other times too. Sculpture processes taking more time to produce, and some other time consuming arenas nibbling here and there. All good, but is going to make Nov and Dec jamming for posts. I will try to be true to "by my hand" posts, but may be stretching it a bit occasionally.

What did I learn from this in terms of art?! Well beside internal musings, I learned it is difficult to write in the snow and keep your feet out of the pic. A ladder on a hill, in the dark (the fullish moon was hiding behind clouds this night), in the snow is not a scenario I had going, so I couldn't get aerial view here...didn't work for what I was after.

Below shows how a candle can look more like the moon than the moon can -- and made me think of time exposures/proper camera set ups that capture light and make the moon look like the moon when you see it .



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