Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Stop Go Man Signal

Metal, with plexi inserts. Took the outer part of my plasma cut man and saw a lighted sign...internally and externally. One could think of this as Mankind -- kind of like what the debt counter in NY does....if we keep pushing environmental or political issues beyond human inhabitation light moves to red -- STOP.  If we move to more peaceful solutions for the earth and us light moves to green -- GO.   Of course, one could use it for decision making too....should one proceed or not?! One switches the light to illuminate themselves or others. Or perhaps a  campaign should be mounted to replace all currently in place lighted signals to human ones to prioritize/replace walkers over drivers? That would help with some exhaust issues, but perhaps  create another exhaust situation ...long walk fatigue.

My lightening situation here needs to  be pefected (as do my photog skills for dark things with light), but my impatience has me putting it here prior to full completion. I got to use the hand grider to make the metal all shiney and remove the burrs...sparks flying, cool new tool to me.

1 comment:

  1. Great work, Double Infinity, Pixie..! You are one talented woman.

    'Enjoy your posts..Keep it up!
