Friday, November 30, 2012

Copper Monster -- the Tale of Two

Oh... how I wanted to write "tail of two" as the title here, but the story doesn't relate to their tails, so I passed on it...but evident here, not really.   I had this stone that was an "odd" shape with a delightful vein of shiny sparky element in the form as what I saw as a mouth...of a monster.  My prong skills are non-existent, so I jumped in and tried something....well, it didn't look that great, and I didn't want to mess up my stone with poor prong display.

So I thought of plan B....wanted my monster to also be 3D...he had looked so skinny in prong form. I cut his shape (sans his back spikes...didn't think that would make it through the procedure to follow) out of plexi.

Then I layered the plexi, 24 guage copper sheet, and some rubber in the hydraulic press, and pressed him into pseudo 3D...he is a fat monster in one way, but slim side to side...only a little fatter than my plexi thickness (I  hammered his tummy  "fatter" (he ate some rocks b/c it is a little dent-y)).  Flipped my plexi direction, and got mirror image. Then cut the shape out, and soldered the two halves together.  My two halves aren't quite the same, so he can't drink without leaking.  I liked how he took to the torch while soldering, so I am leaving him "messed up" and not shiny.  Much better for camo in the wild. 

But, yes, the black stone still has no home.....only as a disguise for 3D monster....but not attached to anything yet....maybe like Bond....well, I guess he is attached to valor?!

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