Sunday, November 11, 2012

Felted Knit in a Pistachio Tree

Gosh, what is it? Hmmm.  I started knitting this wool orange thing years ago....put it aside during a move, reconnected with it, knit some more on it, noticed it too had the strange shape  that my knitted items tend to get....I add stitches, and my knitted rectangles turn trapezoidal, and then trees, as I start to drop stitches in attempt to get back to the width with which I began.

I decided this was too far gone, so I washed it....knowing  that it was wool and that it would felt. I still liked the orange, but can't really figure out what to do with it. Wrapped it around another favorite color....this pink/orchid/magenta tube....and set it in the pistachio tree because it harmonized with the leaf change that is going on there....beyond fall, winterish.

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