Thursday, November 29, 2012

Copper Wire -- Boy with Kite

A friend and I were discussing peace that resides in one individually...inner peace in a way, but perhaps a little less deep than that...slightly more surface-y, but still a strong force within.  Well, we emailing about it...not back and forth like texting, as that wouldn't be too peaceful.   Anyhow, it wasn't a big ole discussion, but a sentence or two within the email.  In response to Judy, I related one of those life "oh" messages that came to me while in India. I forget what trip it was....but there was a lot of construction going on in Delhi (that doesn't boil it down, but wish I could remember....).

The driver had me by some big open plain....gravel/dirt....beige to grey.  Traffic was slow (surprise, surprise), so I had lots of time to look at the scene. A few dwellings.. lean-tos of cloth and cardboard.  A few people milling about, but really very few considering the vast flat space.  There was a kid fairly close by....he was running around in "classic" poor clothing....not the modern poor with "Nike" on it and nylon shorts...but beige/grey tones of tee and baggy shorts. I believe barefoot, but I could be drawing that in with my mind.

My "oh":  He was running, smiling, and arm up in the air holding something like a kite, but did not appear too loft worthy.  In the other hand he had a water jug.

While I don't want to conject that anyone likes living in a gravel surrounded lean-to collecting water from a communal tap in a plastic bottle....the fact that he was enjoying what he had....that kite-thing and the space before him....that was my "oh."

So last night I played with copper wire to shape him.  I think he needs some hair or head shape modification.
I made a small giraffe to test pressing the wire flat...will see how that works, and then wonder if my boy here will be pressed flat too (once he gets some hair).  Let's hope life doesn't press him flat. Hmmm..maybe I will keep him this way to help in a small way.

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