Sunday, May 19, 2013

Cast Bronze -- Iteration in Multi

Playing with the idea of by hand and repeating, I made many wax balls to cast into bronze. Using the same slab dimension  of the wax and hydrocal "iteration," I took a common shape that could be rendered by essentially rubbing my hands together.  The process intersects with my plaster and pink  plexi rods underlying meaning...choosing to focus on what I could do by hand, rather than what I would have perhaps approached with more apprehension. 

Physics helped me here. Somehow, the melted bronze did not want to stay into the mold....spewing out with seeming glee, though at 2000 degrees, a glee with power (see below).  We haven't exactly figured out why it jumped out of the mold, causing the mangled balls and the layered and pocked surface.  Perhaps it was the size and shape of the balls..not letting the gases escape, or perhaps the shell was too thick, again impeded flow. Either way, it took on a more "from the center of the earth" feeling than first intended. 

Patina here may change...and the backing is being considered...had originally planned on black semi opaque for mount. 

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