Saturday, May 30, 2015

Friday, May 29, 2015

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Prague Open Face Sandwiches Oblozene Chlebicky

From my first trip to Prague, I have smiled as I see these sandwiches in the bake shops....they are "utilitarian" and on the inexpensive side, even for there....these are about equivalent of about $1 per.
Back in 1990 you saw them in more places, but now fancier (in theory) fare has taken the retail shop spaces, but you still can find these...just tucked even more in background.  My friend had told me before they were the workers sandwiches....before subs and such had hit.  Oblozene Chlebicky (dressed bread).

Look at that fanfare and flourish....each applied by hand of course, with care for visual and taste combined.  I can't say they are the most delicious item to eat there, but they get an A for effort. 

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Chalk Pastel....

A little cheating, but still some free hand and sketching, brushing. Pencil and grey chalk pastel.  From an existing picture, but modifications to make him a little more "wild" in terms of hair, etc.
Made on tissue paper leftover from flower purchase. 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Embroidery on Sheer Fabric -- City Buildings

Idea for future...sheet tightly landscape ...granted not an "ordinary" city, but one filled with lovely buildings.  Reflection of some more tame buildings in glass that these were behind on the street in Prague.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Yesterday's walk....

 Old barn that looked nicely weathered but "solid" on the outside.  Inside, there was obviously plenty of room for the light to come through. An interesting thing about perspective she reminds herself.

And...another bobcat.  This one wasn't running away very fast at all...looked like the Serengeti...almost.


Ceramic Sign

Enlarged the logo, put paper enlargement onto a slab of clay, then used side of pencil to make indent of the lettering and lines. Use the side of a sharp pencil rather than the point  -- don't "drill" the mark (don't tear the clay) an indent.   Thought I would cut out a "gully" on the larger "PRAGMA," but then decided not to, hence the cut marks that next time I wouldn't for the gully, needed
more thin tool...the xacto I was using wasn't good enough..finer point, or different technique. 

Since I was using a grey glaze over the black letters, I didn't have to be totally exact as some bleed was camouflaged -- but still takes a steady hand to put the black glaze in each letter...little troughs, with emphasis on little. Granted the application of the grey cold be more smooth, less brushy/uneven, but shall apply that lesson to future. 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Milou / Snowy out for a walk

  A little white glaze can do wonders for one's coat.

Graffiti -- Inspiring

Played some late afternoon hooky on Tuesday...came across this in old gravel yard I used to bike by on coast...well, I didn't bike out there a lot, but it was a landmark of sorts. Now, adorned with these, quite a different remarkable spot -- each of them is different..expression, gesture.