Saturday, December 24, 2011

Cycling Musette Bag

Custom musette bag, with strap to hold snug to body as  needed. Duck cloth. Objects of affection stitched on surface, though know they run deep.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Thursday, December 22, 2011

To Celebrate Her New Home

Just put up on the jamb of the garden storage doorway for the photo, but knowing Lilly it will end up in some nook or cranny in her new home.  I must make the right hearts head up the next time, but love swirling up and down has a connotation too.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Party Dress...for Parties and Everyday Spinning

Velvet in favorite color of wearer. Sparklies embedded in fabric.. Spin factor as above. Sequin adorned sash to add further sparkle, though internal and external sparkle of wearer outshines it all.  Best compliment: "Can I wear it now?" on a normal playday. Of course Auntie says "Yes."

Friday, December 16, 2011

The Boy Has A Backbone

Two year old did her own this year....Paul Klee may have a gallery compatriot someday.  Five year old had the same philosopy as last way she is sure to have access to candy is to put A LOT on her Gingerbread person!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Lollipop Holders

Yes, a world dilemma solved. Still working on a few others...
(yes, for pre or mid suck)

Trusty Pasta Assistant



Cutting it very close.

Very easy pasta recipe: 1 cup flour, 1 egg, 1/2 eggshell measure of milk. Mix well.  Let rest for 10 minutes (or dance in your princess costume).  Roll thin. Cut.  You can enlist a trusty pasta assitant, or you can do it solo in less time, but....

Power Player

Fashioned from wool felt, this component "doll" allows one to play Mr. Potato Head like, by "sticking on" various felt "entities" that give a certain "power."  Good listening skills = ears.  Good talking = mouth. Ecetera. The last shot (on wood background) shows what is inside at all times -- brain and heart -- even when the other powers are just hanging around.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Early bird after Thanksgiving

This morning...the ones that got away. First spotting them in the front tree, then eight of them walking on the roof of the house...perfect for the morning after Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Stop Go Man Signal

Metal, with plexi inserts. Took the outer part of my plasma cut man and saw a lighted sign...internally and externally. One could think of this as Mankind -- kind of like what the debt counter in NY does....if we keep pushing environmental or political issues beyond human inhabitation light moves to red -- STOP.  If we move to more peaceful solutions for the earth and us light moves to green -- GO.   Of course, one could use it for decision making too....should one proceed or not?! One switches the light to illuminate themselves or others. Or perhaps a  campaign should be mounted to replace all currently in place lighted signals to human ones to prioritize/replace walkers over drivers? That would help with some exhaust issues, but perhaps  create another exhaust situation ...long walk fatigue.

My lightening situation here needs to  be pefected (as do my photog skills for dark things with light), but my impatience has me putting it here prior to full completion. I got to use the hand grider to make the metal all shiney and remove the burrs...sparks flying, cool new tool to me.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

View from the window.  Stitched from photograph...thread on paper.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Felt like it. Needle felting. With metal needles, not pine.

Metal Man

Plasma cutter allowed me to extend my play with this simple figure. Plan on working an idea with this metal version, shall see how it comes out.

Outline Of A Man

Outline via sewing machine stitch of photograph of "stuffed man" "doll" from childhood. Playing with outlines, continuing with simplicity.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Snow Writing

Ok, time to admit that I am trying for at least 57 posts to meet LY and since I like 8s, I will be at least at 58. My Sept was rather un-post-tive (but busy!), and I likely lagged some other times too. Sculpture processes taking more time to produce, and some other time consuming arenas nibbling here and there. All good, but is going to make Nov and Dec jamming for posts. I will try to be true to "by my hand" posts, but may be stretching it a bit occasionally.

What did I learn from this in terms of art?! Well beside internal musings, I learned it is difficult to write in the snow and keep your feet out of the pic. A ladder on a hill, in the dark (the fullish moon was hiding behind clouds this night), in the snow is not a scenario I had going, so I couldn't get aerial view here...didn't work for what I was after.

Below shows how a candle can look more like the moon than the moon can -- and made me think of time exposures/proper camera set ups that capture light and make the moon look like the moon when you see it .



Thursday, November 10, 2011

Light Diffuser

Metal cut with laser cutter, hand bent. Can't really call it a candle holder has it doesn't "hold" candles. But it can diffuse their glow. Like metal playing with light....perhaps too simple to say "heavy/grounding" and "aura-al" --but somehow the interplay is intriguing to me.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mobile Temporarily Psuedo Immobile

Started with clay, moved to (whisper whisper) sculpey because I didn't want to get into kiln process. Playing with kinetics, so not trying to make heirlooms. Need to find longer wire for the outer ring, or shorten the inner ones, but plan on orbital rotation of at least two of them.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Playing with bending steel. Very rudimentary mig weld (first foray) to keep the sets together.

Needs to be placed higher in the tree, but still have one small element to add. Plus, the first time I put it up, it fell down (not strong enough filament) somewhat precautionary, as I don't really want to paint out the dings again.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Silly Cookies

Ok, not an original idea, but made the kids smile. Pinterest gets the credit. Note maple leaves, not oak, but it was dark and the most accessable oak was a pin-oak.

Acorns, Green (and yellow) eggs and ham.