Monday, September 28, 2015

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Beginning of next Tile Table -- Rostam tapestry

Taking a tapestry of a Persian fable Rostam who defeats some mythical not good doers. I am removing some knives and such because that is a bit too much for me to depict in tile. The horns are antlers on some of the creatures and on hats of others (and think as camouflage)  -- good and bad.   

Anyhow...this is quite different from my other hand made ceramic tile table in that the pieces are bigger, and that there is a background. I decided not to cut the background at the same time because of shrinkage.  The pieces have a many deep narrow cuts...and shrinkage will be going on in various directions....I feel if I cut the background now, I would have a mess on my hands.  I still may have a mess, but it will be apparent more slowly!  29" x38" should be finished dimensions -- is just part of the tapestry imagery. 

I may use some smaller "mosaic" tiles to fill in spots.  We shall see. 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Tree Painting from a Newbie

Ok, simple as all get out in terms of composition. But, my second on canvas painting, and my first taken from real and ending up kind-of -real-looking painting,

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Friday, September 11, 2015

Goat -- in clay and in photo reality

Ok, his head is a little more sheep-shaped, not too goat-nosed, and he looks more pawed than hoofed.
And yes, the clay goat-sheep-bunny-pawed-kind-of-dog-bellied head is not  back and legs not a extended as far as real goat, but, my beginning into more realistic figures.....looking and shaping as I see.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Blocks -- Repeating Shapes

Continued study in repeating shapes aligned. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Group Project

When an idea is offered to receptive audience? 
Cheese factory visitor project. 


Sunday, September 6, 2015

Denim Patchwork Skirt

Years of denim from the early days. Mom had envisioned a quilt with squares, and did quite a bit of cutting up from childhood denim from four kids. I took the leftovers...(the good of someone who saves stuff) mainly....and pieced them together.  Plenty of somewhat unorthodox sewing going on to make things fit together on the right...hence a little bunching and some tilt.  Denim patchwork skirt.

I was going to embroider it, after seeing an inspiration piece (that started this project out) of a Chinese embroidery on denim/dark blue fabric from image secured at recent visit to Met, but then the denim piecing took over, and the embroidery seems like it might be a bit much on top.

So...embroidery project to go, but denim fabric ready for skirt ready now. Like I need another skirt....

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Two Sides of the Story

Set up for the ending. Uggh. Unplanned event for Saturday.